Paragraph Five How dogs react to TV - whether it's running around, barking excitedly, orjust ignoring it - may come down to personality or breed. Hunting dogs, which aredriven by smell, aren't as interested in visuals, but herding breeds, such as ter
Paragraph Five How dogs react to TV - whether it's running around, barking excitedly, orjust ignoring it - may come down to personality or breed. Hunting dogs, which aredriven by smell, aren't as interested in visuals, but herding breeds, such as terriers,may be more stimulated by moving objects they see on the small screen. 40. Breed a_________dogs' reactions to TV.
【题目解析】:本段介绍了狗的品种如何影响它们看电视的反应。猎狗主要受味觉支配,对视觉图像并不太感兴趣,但牧羊犬在看到屏幕上移动的物体后会更兴奋。本段第一句为主题句,come down to意为“可归结为;实质上是”,因此空格处应该填写“影响”。以字母a开头并表达这一意义的词只有affect。因为主语breed是第三人称单数,所以正确答案是affects。