Why do the Chinese dislike milk and milk products? Why do some nations trace descent through the father, others through the different instincts? Not because they were destined by God or Fate to different habits not because the weather is different in
Why do the Chinese dislike milk and milk products? Why do some nations trace descent through the father, others through the different instincts? Not because they were destined by God or Fate to different habits not because the weather is different in China and the United States. Sometimes keen common sense has an answer that is close to that of the anthropologist: "Because they were brought up that way." By "culture" anthropology means the total life way of a people, the social legacy the individual acquires from his group. Or culture can be regarded as that part of the environment that is the creation of man.According to this paragraph, people from different cultures have different habits because().
A、they are raised in different ways
B、they have different religions
C、they have different climates
D、they eat different kinds of food
【题目解析】:段落中提到:Sometimes keen common sense has an answer that is close to that of the anthropologist: "Because they were brought up that way.” Brought up 和 raised 同义词(养育)。故选A。