Researchers show there is a clear warming trend of about 0.5 degrees centigrade from 1900 which they the greenhouse effect.
Researchers show there is a clear warming trend of about 0.5 degrees centigrade from 1900 which they the greenhouse effect.
A、contribute to
B、attribute to
C、subscribe to
D、apply to
【名师解析】:选项B "attribute to" 是正确的答案。这个短语意味着将某个结果归因于某个原因或因素。在这个句子中,"attribute to the greenhouse effect" 表示研究人员将大约0.5摄氏度的明显升温趋势归因于温室效应。其他选项A "contribute to" 意味着为某事做出贡献,C "subscribe to" 通常指订阅服务或同意某种观点,D "apply to" 意味着适用于或请求某事,它们在这个句子中都不适合。