Establishing Good Relationships with Instructors
As class sizes across the country continue to rise, many community college students are struggling to connect with instr"> Establishing Good Relationships with Instructors
As class sizes across the country continue to rise, many community college students are struggling to connect with instr">
Read the following passage carefully and compose a "Topic Outline" for it.
Establishing Good Relationships with Instructors
As class sizes across the country continue to rise, many community college students are struggling to connect with instr
Read the following passage carefully and compose a "Topic Outline" for it.
Establishing Good Relationships with Instructors
As class sizes across the country continue to rise, many community college students are struggling to connect with instructors. To combat some of the potential issues of over-sized classes, or to benefit from smaller classes, students must strive to build positive working relationships with instructors.
One of the primary benefits of building effective relationships with an instructor is a student's ability to receive more specific feedback and instruction, whether you are taking pre-requisite or elective courses. Students who establish positive professional relationships with instructors can obtain more insight on how to create a specific course plan for increased progress.
As researcher Linda Jacobson suggests, students should meet with instructors after large assignments or tests are returned, A “mini-conference," or meeting with an instructor, provides both parties with an opportunity to focus on the finished final assignment, essay, or test. Additionally, the more students meet with instructors early in the course, the less time students will need to meet with an instructor later on in the course-as you have already solidified your course fundamentals.
In addition to helping students with coursework, building positive relationships with instructors also allows students to foster a positive interaction that can open up the opportunity for dialogue if a disagreement later arises. Whether students disagree with a designated grade or disagree with an instructor's course content or teaching strategies, a strong relationship, established early in the course, can allow a student and instructor to more fruitfully negotiate any potential concerns.
Then, how could students establish a positive relationship with their instructors? Meeting with an instructor individually is one of the best ways to establish a positive working relationship. As Jacobson explains," Individual conferences and thorough evaluation make it possible to clarify specific concepts that, for a particular student, may not have been clear from the text or general classroom discussion."
Meeting individually with an instructor also provides students with an opportunity to receive positive written and oral feedback from the instructor. When students engage in this type of process and receive specific information, they can focus on improvement and build on strengths.
Besides, it is strongly recommended to meet during the instructor's office hours. As Ecampus explains, "You probably aren't going to get very far if you try to talk to your professor immediately before or after class. Instead, drop by to see him during his regular office hours or send him an email to request an appointment. Your professor will be able to devote more attention to the issues you wish to discuss if you confront him at the appropriate time." The instructor should announce his/her office hours on the first day of class; however, if he/she does not, students can simply inquire about office hours before or after class, or via email.
By taking active steps to develop a rapport and relationship with their instructors, students can not only improve their academic performance but also open lines of important communication.

Topic Outline
Ⅰ.Introduction(Paragraph 1)
Thesis: Students must strive to build positive working relationships with instructors.
Ⅱ.Benefits of building effective relationships with an inistructor(Paragraphs 2-4)
A.Improving coursework (Paragraphs 2-3)
1.Receiving more specific feedback and instruction; obtaining more insight
2.Meeting with instructors after large assignments or tests are returned, and early in the course
B. Fostering a positive interaction for potential disagreements (Paragraph 4)
Ⅲ.Tips for establishing a positive relationship with instructors(Paragraphs 5-7)
A.Meeting with an instructor individually(Paragraphs 5-6)
1.Helping students clarify specific concepts
2.Helping students focus on improvement and build on strengths
B.Mceting during the instructor's office hours(Paragraph 7)
Ⅳ.Conclusion: Rewards of establishing a positive relationship with instructors(Paragraph 8)
2.考生只能按题型要求写出“Topic Outline”,如用“Sentence Outline”或两种混用,则降档处理。如写成“Summary”或其它形式,则按0分处理。其中“Thesis”可置于“Introduction”之前。
