Grain and soybeans futures prices retreated Wednesday on the Chicago board of trade amid little new export news. Soybeans futures prices initially gained on strong soybean oil prices tied to good world demand for vegetable oils. But investors became
Grain and soybeans futures prices retreated Wednesday on the Chicago board of trade amid little new export news. Soybeans futures prices initially gained on strong soybean oil prices tied to good world demand for vegetable oils. But investors became increasingly concerned about record U.S. supplies and the prospect of record brazilian supplies out of the Southern American countrys harvest this month.
"Beans is a waiting game for south America," said Mick. "We all know it's around the cor-ner.""Buyers of soybean products are likely to wait for prices to come down before entering the market because of the expected record supplies".
Wheat futures retreated on ideas that recent gains were overdone. Traders said the agriculture department's decision last week to expand its export subsidy program is useless unless major buayers like China ship the grain they have bought.
【正确答案】:由于几乎没有新的出口消息,周三芝加哥期货交易所(Chicago board of trade)谷物和大豆期货价格回落,因为世界对植物油的需求大,豆油价格强劲,因此,大豆期货价格最初有所上涨,但由于美国供应量创记录,以及本月南关大豆收成后巴西供应量也可能创纪录,投资者越来越担心其前景。