Japan’s government is deeply opposed to a new policy 【geared to】 “quantifiable results” for some products.
Japan’s government is deeply opposed to a new policy 【geared to】 “quantifiable results” for some products.
A、generated to
B、suitable for
C、followed by
D、acquainted with
【名师解析】:选项B "suitable for" 是正确答案。在句子中,"geared to" 表示某项政策是特别设计或调整以适应某事物的特定需求或目的。在这个句子中,"geared to 'quantifiable results'" 意味着这项新政策是为了实现某些产品可以量化的结果。选项B "suitable for" 与 "geared to" 意义相近,都表达了适应或适合于某事物的含义。其他选项A "generated to" 表示产生,C "followed by" 表示跟随,D "acquainted with" 表示熟悉,它们都不符合句子的语境。