尊敬的先生: 很高兴收到你方3月5日关于长虹牌彩电的询价函。 兹回复,我方报300台长虹彩电CIF纽约价格为每台1 000美元,该报价以我方在本月底前收到你方的答复为准。所报价格为不含佣金的净价。 如果你方的订货量超过500台,则我方将给予5%的折扣。 长虹彩电因其优良品质和合理的价格,在世界各地都十分畅销。我方建议你方尽快订货,以便我方能保证供货和及时安排交货。 盼早日回复。
尊敬的先生: 很高兴收到你方3月5日关于长虹牌彩电的询价函。 兹回复,我方报300台长虹彩电CIF纽约价格为每台1 000美元,该报价以我方在本月底前收到你方的答复为准。所报价格为不含佣金的净价。 如果你方的订货量超过500台,则我方将给予5%的折扣。 长虹彩电因其优良品质和合理的价格,在世界各地都十分畅销。我方建议你方尽快订货,以便我方能保证供货和及时安排交货。 盼早日回复。 ×××谨上
【正确答案】:Dear Sirs, We are glad to have received your enquiry of March 5th for our Changhong colour TV. In reply, we would like to offer 300 sets of Changhong colour TV at USD 1,000 CIF New York per set, subject to your reply reaching us before the end of this month.Our prices quoted are net without any commission. If the quantity to be ordered exceeds 500 sets, we may grant you a discount of 5%. Owing to the fine quality and reasonable prices, Changhong colour TV sets sell well all over the world. We suggest you place an order without delay, so that we may guarantee the supply and arrange delivery in due time. We look forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely,