With the development of manufacturing and technology,there arose another incentive for trade, i. e. international specialization-one country producing more of a commodity than it uses itself and selling the remainder to other countries. Such speciali
With the development of manufacturing and technology,there arose another incentive for trade, i. e. international specialization-one country producing more of a commodity than it uses itself and selling the remainder to other countries. Such specialization constitutes an important basis for international trade.
【正确答案】:随着生产和技术的发展,产生了另一个刺激国际贸易的因素,即国际生产专门化(3分) 个国家所生产的某种商品数量超过它的消费,并将所剩商品卖给其他国家。(2分)这种专门化构成了国际贸 易的一个重要基础。(2分)