Another factor behind the increase in merger activity is the record performance of stock market, which has enabled companies to finance major acquisitions _________ their inflated share prices.
Another factor behind the increase in merger activity is the record performance of stock market, which has enabled companies to finance major acquisitions _________ their inflated share prices.
A、on the strength of
B、on account of
C、for purposes of
D、prior to
【名师解析】:选项A "on the strength of" 正确地表达了"由于...的力量或优势"的意思,在本题中指的是公司利用股市的强劲表现来资助重大收购。这个短语强调了公司利用其股价高涨的优势来完成收购。其他选项B "on account of" 意味着"因为",C "for purposes of" 意味着"为了...的目的",D "prior to" 意味着"在...之前",它们都不符合题意。