A.Translate the following passage into Chinese You're on holiday but surreptitiously check your work emails the moment you wake up. You get anxious if there's no Wi-Fi in the hotel or mobile phone signal up the mountain. You fret if your pho
Passage Translation
A.Translate the following passage into Chinese You're on holiday but surreptitiously check your work emails the moment you wake up. You get anxious if there's no Wi-Fi in the hotel or mobile phone signal up the mountain. You fret if your phone is getting low on power, and you secretly worry things will go wrong at work if you’re not there. These are the typical signs of “always on” stress induced by smartphone addiction. For some people, portable connected devices have liberated them from the constraints of the nine-to-five. Flexible working has given them more autonomy over their working lives and enabled them to spend more time with their friends and families. For many others though, smartphones have become tyrants in their pockets, never allowing them to switch off, relax and recharge their batteries. The negative impacts of this “always on” culture are that your mind is never resting, you're not giving your body time to recover, so you’re always stressed.

        你在度假,可每天早上一醒来就悄悄査看工作邮件。住酒店时发现不能无线上网, 或者登山时山上没有手机信号,你会坐立不安。手机快要没电了,你就焦虑不安;要是此时又不在班上,你就会暗暗担心那里的工作会出什么差错。这些都是由“智能手机控” 引发的 “全天开机”症的典型征兆。 

        对一些人来说,便携式联网设备已经把他们从“朝九晚五”的束缚中解放出来。灵活的工作方式让他们上班更加自主,能够有更多时间陪伴朋友和家人。不过,对许多其他人来说,智能手机已变成他们口袋里的“暴君”,绝不允许他们关机、休息,给手机充电。这种 “全天开机”文化的负面影响是大脑永远得不到休息,体力得不到恢复,所以总是心力交瘁。

【题目解析】:英译汉,本题考点语篇翻译。你在度假,可每天早上一醒来就悄悄査看工作邮件。住酒店时发现不能无线上网, 或者登山时山上没有手机信号,你会坐立不安。手机快要没电了,你就焦虑不安;要是此时又不在班上,你就会暗暗担心那里的工作会出什么差错。这些都是由“智能手机控” 引发的 “全天开机”症的典型征兆。对一些人来说,便携式联网设备已经把他们从“朝九晚五”的束缚中解放出来。灵活的工作方式让他们上班更加自主,能够有更多时间陪伴朋友和家人。不过,对许多其他人来说,智能手机已变成他们口袋里的“暴君”,绝不允许他们关机、休息,给手机充电。这种 “全天开机”文化的负面影响是大脑永远得不到休息,体力得不到恢复,所以总是心力交瘁。