请选择与划线部分对应的翻译:The world used to be simpler. It was divided into the "have" nations, and the many more "have not" nations. Put it in another way, there was the "First World" and the "Third World". In recent decades, many Asian countries have jo
请选择与划线部分对应的翻译:The world used to be simpler. It was divided into the "have" nations, and the many more "have not" nations. Put it in another way, there was the "First World" and the "Third World". In recent decades, many Asian countries have joined the "haves". Certainly, by most standards, places like Japan and Singapore are rich. But just as it seems that they might relax, they are suddenly faced with a new challenge: the economic rules have changed.
【题目解析】:注意连词的翻译,but表转折。be faced with:面临。suddenly:突然。economic rules:经济规则。