原文:从去年到今年,我们先后三次出台调控措施,房价过快上涨势头有所遏制。 译文:Since last year, we’ve taken three successive readjustment measures and the tendency of excessive price growth has been pressed to some extent
原文:从去年到今年,我们先后三次出台调控措施,房价过快上涨势头有所遏制。 译文:Since last year, we’ve taken three successive readjustment measures and the tendency of excessive price growth has been pressed to some extent
【正确答案】:改译:Since last year, we’ve taken three successive readjustment measures and the tendency of excessive price growth has been contained to some extent.
【题目解析】:“遏制势头”我们翻译成contain the tendency。