原文:要努力生产适销对路的名特优新产品和“拳头”产品打入国际市场。 译文:Make efforts to turn out premium and novel products or the so-called “hard-punch” items that can edge into foreign markets.
原文:要努力生产适销对路的名特优新产品和“拳头”产品打入国际市场。 译文:Make efforts to turn out premium and novel products or the so-called “hard-punch” items that can edge into foreign markets.
【正确答案】:改译:Efforts must be made to turn out premium and novel products or the so-called “hard-punch” items that can edge into foreign markets.
【题目解析】:该句没有主语,处理此类句子,我们在翻译成英文时将其译为被动句“Efforts must be made to”。