William Faulkner once said that ( ) is a story of “lost innocence.”
William Faulkner once said that ( ) is a story of “lost innocence.”
A、The Sound and the Fury
B、A Farewell to Arms
C、The Great Gatsby
D、In Our Time
【题目解析】:本题主要考查作者William Faulkner与作品的对应。William Faulkner曾说The Sound and the Fury是一部“失去天真”的小说,表现主人公束缚在过去思想中的强烈的主题。The Sound and the Fury——《喧嚣与骚动》是William Faulkner的作品;;The Great Gatsby——《了不起的盖茨比》是Scott Fitzgerald的作品;A Farewell to Arms——《永别了,武器》和In Our Time——《我们的时代》是Hemingway的作品。故选A。