Choose the closest paraphrased version after the following sentence or the italicized part. 

In the way they all glared I could see how they'd come to hate my guts.()

Choose the closest paraphrased version after the following sentence or the italicized part. 

In the way they all glared I could see how they'd come to hate my guts.()


I could see from their angry look that they disliked me very much.


I could see from their quick look that they were impatient with me.


I could see from their steady look that they were very curious about me.


I could see from their confused look that they were shocked at my words.


从他们盯着我的眼神中,我可以看出他们当时有多讨厌我,可知选A。选自上册第四课Take Over,Bos'n!
