Choose the closest paraphrased version for the sentence or italicized part.

Rapport to most of us (Americans) is less important than performance.()

Choose the closest paraphrased version for the sentence or italicized part.

Rapport to most of us (Americans) is less important than performance.()


In the business world, most of us (Americans) consider establishing close relationship with others is more important than going to have performance with them.


Most of us (Americans) measure our potential business partners by what they have done instead of what they have said in their reports.


When we (Americans) do business with others, whether they are successful is most important; relationship doesn’t count.


In business dealings, most of us (Americans) pay more attention to the previous achievements of the other party than to their personal relationship with us.


对我们大多数人来说,融洽的关系不如(商业伙伴的)业绩重要。 rapport 融洽,和谐。 选自上册第三课 Go-Go Americans。
