He stared at her a brief moment, seeing the fear in her face, but also a loathing for all men involved in the making and dispatch of nuclear weapons.
He stared at her a brief moment, seeing the fear in her face, but also a loathing for all men involved in the making and dispatch of nuclear weapons.
A、He stared at her for a short time, seeing not only the fear in her face, but also a strong feeling for all men involved in the making and launching of nuclear weapons.
B、He stared at her for a short time, seeing not only the fear in her face, but also a detest for all men involved in the making and projecting of nuclear weapons.
C、He stared at her for a short time, seeing not only the fear in her face, but also a contempt for all men involved in the making and launching of nuclear weapons.
D、He stared at her for a short time, seeing not only the fear in her face, but also a strong opposition to all men involved in the making and projecting of nuclear weapons.
【题目解析】:原句意思为:他盯了她一会,看到她脸上的害怕神情,可是还有一种对所有参与制造和投放核武器的人的仇恨。A项中的strong feeling(强烈的感情)与原句中的loathing(憎恨)含义不同。B.他盯了她一会,不仅在她脸上看到了害怕,还看到了对所有参与制造和投射核武器的人的憎恨。C项中的contempt(藐视)和原句中的loathing(憎恨)含义不同。D项中的strong opposition(强烈的反对)和原句中的loathing(憎恨)含义不同。答案为B。