The Chinese, who constitute 95 percent of Hong Kong's population, prefer brown eggs over white. In fact, 90 percent or more of the fresh eggs consumed are brown. The major outlets for white eggs are hotels, Western-style restaurants and fast food sho
The Chinese, who constitute 95 percent of Hong Kong's population, prefer brown eggs over white. In fact, 90 percent or more of the fresh eggs consumed are brown. The major outlets for white eggs are hotels, Western-style restaurants and fast food shops.
Chinese consumers prefer the deeper color of brown egg yolks-often considered essential to the color of many Chinese dishes. Chinese-style restaurants also find that brown eggs are more popular with customers.
Chinese eggs have a unique odor that can be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on the consumer.
To the Chinese consumer, the odor is indicative of a "good egg" and is an important reason, in addition to a price advantage, for the popularity of Chinese eggs. The odor, however, is a major reason why Chinese eggs are not accepted by hotels, Western-style restaurants and fast food outlets.
What kinds of eggs are more popular with customers?
【正确答案】:Fresh eggs with brown color.