Passage 2
The global financial crisis can be divided into several stages: From August 2008 to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in Septernber 2008 was the U. S. sub-prime mortgage crisis;after September 2008 it became the international financial c
Passage 2
The global financial crisis can be divided into several stages: From August 2008 to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in Septernber 2008 was the U. S. sub-prime mortgage crisis;after September 2008 it became the international financial crisis and as of October 2009 when Greek sovereign debt crisis broke out, the crisis became a sovereign debt crisis.The question is: Is the European currency crisis now in a new stage? And what comes next?
We think the present U.S. and European sovereign debt crisis is the aftershock of the U.S. sub- -prime crisis, and also the preshock- that will bring future internation financial market more turmoil and push the world economy into another recession. Recently Standard & Poor's placed the European Union on its watch list, and some countries are preparing for the EU to balkanize, so we must he prepared for this crisis.
In rescuing the EU, there are three methods: The European Central Bank issues banknotes to rescue the euro; the euro zone issues euro bonds; or it creates Europe rescue fund. However, these methods are all difficult to carry out and may trigger inflation.
If not rescued, three outcomes are possible Southern European countries will leave the EU, which may lead to imported inflation; the euro zone breaks up and northern European countries issue new core currency which may lead to sharp rises of the exchange rate and their economy may stagnate; or each country tesumes its own currency so that the currency of Germany, the European economic development engine, will appreciate sharply and export of German goods will be seriously affected, then debtor nations such as Greece and Spain will lose aid and collapse.
There is another choice, or the only way out for the euro, which is to advance a uniform fiscal policy and establish a uniform country just like the United States that was established as a federal country hundreds of years ago. But the question of whether the public and politicians of various countries have enough consensus needs to be researched.
51.EU is tot rescaed, the export of Germany goods will boom because the currency of Germany will appreciate sharply.
【名师解析】:题目中提到,如果不对欧盟进行救援,可能会发生几种情况,其中之一是每个国家重新使用自己的货币。这种情况下,德国作为欧洲经济发展的引擎,其货币将会大幅升值。货币升值通常会导致出口商品的价格上升,从而减少其他国家购买德国商品的意愿,因此德国的出口将会受到影响,而不是"boom"(繁荣)。因此,选项A "True"(正确)是不正确的,正确答案是选项B "False"(错误)。这表明题目中的陈述与实际情况相反,即如果不救援欧盟,德国的出口并不会繁荣,而是会受到负面影响。