尊敬的先生: 非常感谢你方5月26日的报价和样品。 我方认真地研究了你方的报价,并赞赏你方产品的良好品质,但是你方的报价大大高于其他供应商同等质量货物的价格。很遗憾我方别无选择,只有谢绝你方的报价而从别处订货。 我方经常采购此货,并且今后会继续邀请你方报价。 ×××谨上
尊敬的先生: 非常感谢你方5月26日的报价和样品。 我方认真地研究了你方的报价,并赞赏你方产品的良好品质,但是你方的报价大大高于其他供应商同等质量货物的价格。很遗憾我方别无选择,只有谢绝你方的报价而从别处订货。 我方经常采购此货,并且今后会继续邀请你方报价。 ×××谨上
【正确答案】:Dear Sirs, Thank you very much for your quotation and samples of May 26th. We have carefully studied your quotation. We appreciate the high quality of your products,but your prices are much higher than those offered by other suppliers for the products of the same quality. Regretfully, we have no alternative but to decline your quotation and meet our requirements elsewhere. We are regular buyers of these articles and we shall invite your quotations in the future.Yours faithfully.