Translate the following passage into Chinese.Running brings enormous benefits. It makes you fitter and is one of the quickest ways to burn calories. It not only cuts your risk of getting cancer, diabetes (糖尿病), and heart disease but also reduc
Translate the following passage into Chinese.Running brings enormous benefits. It makes you fitter and is one of the quickest ways to burn calories. It not only cuts your risk of getting cancer, diabetes (糖尿病), and heart disease but also reduces your chances of high blood pressure and stroke. There are also mental health benefits. Many runners report that running not only helps them cope with anxiety, stress and sadness, but also helps them find an inner peace. The vast majority of people can improve their state of mind and health with a couple of runs a week. Of course, you should consult a doctor to make sure that you are healthy enough before you start your running plans. If you are overweight, better start off doing brisk walks. After a few weeks, you can switch to gentle jogging. Then build up gradually. Don't push yourself to exhaustion.


【题目解析】:第一句:bring:提供,此处bring后只接一个宾语,应理解为“提供”而不是“带来”;enormous:极大的;benefit:好处、益处第二句:fitter:更健康的、更适合的;burn calories:燃烧热量。此处谓语makes和系动词is共用主语it,翻译时注意调整语序。第三句:cut:降低,此处cut后接宾语为risk“风险”,应理解为“降低”而不是“切、剪”等与实物搭配的含义;cancer:癌症;disease:疾病;reduce:减少、降低;chance:可能性、风险;blood pressure:血压;stoke:中风。此句包含not …, only …“不仅…,而且…”的结构。第四句:mental health:心理健康;此处为there be结构的存在句,需增译主语“跑步”。第五句:report:称,此处report前的主语是runners“跑步者”,应理解为“称”而不是“报道、举报”等含义;cope with:应付、对付;anxiety:焦虑;stress:压力;sadness:悲伤;inner peace:内心的平静,此处描述的是人的内心。第六句:vast:巨大的、大量的,majority:大多数,vast majority应理解成“绝大多数”;improve:提高,改善;state of mind and health:身心健康;a couple of:几次。第七句:consult:咨询;make sure:确保、弄清;plan:计划。此处为before“在…之前”引导的时间状语从句。第八句:overweight:肥胖的、超重的;start off doing sth:首先做某事;brisk walk:快步走。此处为if“如果”引导的条件状语从句。第八句:switch to sth:改为某事;gentle:平缓的;jogging:慢跑。第九句:build up:逐渐增加、增强;gradually:逐渐地。第十句:push … to …:使…;exhaustion:精疲力竭,此处应理解为“不要让自己太过疲劳”。