Losing your temper is not just a social hazard. It’s also a health risk, with new research showing that the chance of a heart attack is 8.5 times higher in thetwo hours after a burst of intense anger. In the first Australian study to investigate the
Losing your temper is not just a social hazard. It’s also a health risk, with new research showing that the chance of a heart attack is 8.5 times higher in thetwo hours after a burst of intense anger. In the first Australian study to investigate the link between acute emotional triggers and high risk of severe cardiac episodes, researchers found that "episodes of intense anger can act as a trigger for a heart attack", says lead author Dr.Thomas Buckley from the University of Sydney Nursing School who is also a researcher at Royal North Shore Hospital. "The data shows that the higher risk of a heart attack isn't necessarily just while you're angry ...it lasts for two hours after the outburst," Dr. Buckley says. "The triggers for these bursts of intense anger were associated with: arguments with family members (29 per cent); arguments with others (42 percent); work anger (14 per cent); and driving anger (14 per cent)."
【题目解析】:注意文中一些关键表达的翻译。“lose your temper”翻译成“情绪失控”,“social hazard”翻译成“社会危害”,“health risk”翻译成“健康隐患”,“8.5 times higher”翻译成“会提高8.5倍”,“Australia”翻译成“澳大利亚”,“cardiac episode”翻译成“心脏病急性发作”,“Dr.”翻译成“博士”,“Sydney”翻译成“悉尼”,“Nursing School”翻译成“护理学院”,“Royal North Shore Hospital”翻译成“北海岸皇家医院”,“act as a trigger”翻译成“会诱发”,“lead author”翻译成“主笔”,“Dr. Buckley says”翻译成“他继续解释道”,“arguments”翻译成“争执”,“work anger”翻译成“工作上的不满”,“driving anger”翻译成“开车时的不顺”。