Which of the following poems is believed to best reflect the 20th century people's disillusionment and frustration in a meaningless society?( )
Which of the following poems is believed to best reflect the 20th century people's disillusionment and frustration in a meaningless society?( )
A、T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets
B、T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land
C、S.B. Yeats 's The Lake Isle of Innisfree
D、S.B. Yeats's Down by the Salley Gardens
【题目解析】:本题考查的是艾略特《荒原》的作品主题及文学地位。T.S.艾略特是英国诗歌现代派运动领袖,他的长诗The Waste Land《荒原》(1922)被认为是最能反映20世纪人们在一个毫无意义的社会中的幻灭和沮丧的作品。