"Crossing the Bar" is one of the poems that Alfred Tennyson produced in his later period. It expresses the poet ' s ( ).
"Crossing the Bar" is one of the poems that Alfred Tennyson produced in his later period. It expresses the poet ' s ( ).
A、religious uncertainty
B、doubts about the meaning of life
C、courage towards death and his faith in God and an afterlife
D、the restlessness and aspiration of the age
【题目解析】:本题考查的是丁尼生《过沙洲》的作品主题特点。丁尼生是英国维多利亚时代最受欢迎及最具特色的诗人,Crossing the Bar《过沙洲》是他的晚年作品,我们可以感受到他对死亡的无畏以及对上帝和来世的信仰。