Passage One
Big data can be defined as information that is too big or complex to be contained or pro- cessed by any one machine or person.
As a student at the University of Sussex, Julian Dailly had two majors-English and phi- losophy. When he
Passage One
Big data can be defined as information that is too big or complex to be contained or pro- cessed by any one machine or person.
As a student at the University of Sussex, Julian Dailly had two majors-English and phi- losophy. When he completed his studies, Dailly wondered how he would ever earn a living in a worild filled with machines and technology. Now, he is part of the big data industry that includes Google and Facebook.
Dailly's research company, Morar Consulting, started three years ago with five employees. The company's earnings have increased by 25% each year. It now employs 90 people. "What we do here is we try to discover what's meaningful for people and link that to their economic behavior, "Dailly said.
He noted the importance of working with people with different skills. "We have people from traditional research backgrounds, in addition to some in social sciences, economics, people from tech backgrounds, and sales people," Dailly said.
Companies like Dailly's employ recent college graduates. The industry profits from the ideas or these young men and women. New forms of data also make it possible for some observers to predict the future. They are more valuable to companies than the traditional forms of data recording or reporting.
"We have access to the core information inside people's heads, Dailly said. "They tell you what people are going to do as opposed to what they've done. That helps people take proper action in advance. This makes it much more useful for strategy.
Julian Dailly dismisses concerns that computers have finally taken control of our daily lives. "Some may worry that humans will be allowed to be replaced by machines. I think it's a fantasy.

Dailly has an education background of ____
A、 engineering
【题目解析】:细节题。选项B.arts意思是文科。文章第二段第一句话,作者说 Dailly在大学修了两个专业: English和 philosophy。这两个专业都属于文科范畴。A. engineering(工科);C. sciences(理科);D. business(商科)。所以,选B【参考译文】大数据可以被定义为大或复杂的信息,不能被任何一台机器或个人包含或处理。作为一名学生,在Sussex大学, Julian Dailly有两个专业:英语和哲学。当他完成学业时,他很好奇如何在一个到处是机器和技术的世界里谋生。现在,他是包括谷歌和脸谱网在内的大数据产业的一部分。 Dailly在 Morar Consulting这样一个研究公司工作。三年前,这里只有五名员工。公司的利润每年增长25%。现在雇用了90人。“我们要做的是试图发现人们觉得有意义的事并将此与他们的经济行为联系起来,” Dailly说他注意到与不同技能的人一起工作的重要性。“我们中有来自于传统研究背景的人包括从事社会科学、经济学的人员,还包括含有技术背景及销售方面的人员, Dally象 Dailly所在的这样的公司还聘请了应届大学毕业生这个行业得益于这些年轻男女的想法。新的数据形式也使一些观察者们能够预测未来,它们比传统的数据记录或报告更有价值“我们已经进入人们的头脑里面的核心信息,Dailly。他们告诉你人们将要做什么,而不是他们做了什么。这有助于人们提前采取适当的行动。这使得它对战略更有用。” Julian Dailly说他打消了电脑最终会控制我们日常生活的这种担心。“有些人可能担心人类会被机器取代。而我认为,这只是个幻想。