What message does the author intend to convev in the last paragraph?
A、Negative stereotypes can be turned into positive ones.
B、More should be done to help those discriminated.
C、Stereotypes can be used as an advantage.
D、Discrimination on campus should be eliminated.
【题目解析】:推理判断题。在前几段都是在描述stereotypes的消极作用;最后一段第一段话扭转了前面要描述的内容,从第二句话可以看出这一段要描述stereotypes的积极作用。再从……stereotype was invoked, as long as a positive stereotype……可以看出stereotype可以作为 a positive stereotype所以C选项是正确的;文章并没有提到A选项的内容,B、D选项更无从得知。