Three centuries ago, coffee-houses were__________.
A、forums for politicians and scientists
B、sources and exchanges of information
C、trading platforms for business people
D、collecting and distributing centers of commodities
【题目解析】:细节判断题。题干问三个世纪前的咖啡馆是什么样的地方。第一段开篇问如果想know the latest business news, follow commodity prices, keep up with political gossip, find out what others think of a new book, or stay abreast of the latest scientific and technological developments该去哪里?在三个世纪前,答案就是咖啡馆。可见咖啡馆是交换信息的地方。这一句中出现的know、follow、find out、stay abreast of(了解…的最新情况)等几个动词或动词短语都和了解信息有关,符合选项B中提到的exchange information的意思,故而正确答案为B。