The author argues that___________.
A、the three hearings held by the Pentagon are very fruitful
B、the Geneva Conventions should be obeyed by all nations
C、the Defense Department’s claim is insincere and dishonest
D、the Supreme Court has the lightest authority over the military
【题目解析】:题目问的是作者认为___________。根据第二段的第一句话the Pentagon memo released yesterday, claimed, falsely, that its prisoner policies already generally complied with the Geneva Conventions可知,五角大楼昨日谎称他们的战俘政策一直是符合日内瓦公约的,因此选择C. the Defense Department’s claim is insincere and dishonest(国防部的宣称是不真诚的更是不诚实的)。