Which of the following statements best summarizes the first paragraph?
A、Computers have extended the power of our mind.
B、Computers have extended the range of our senses.
C、Computers have extended the scope of our activities.
D、Computers have extended the speed of our reasoning.
【题目解析】:题目问的以下哪个选项能最好地总结第一自然段。根据第一段的最后一句话With the development of these new tools, it is as if man has suddenly become a millionaire of the mind.可知,随着电脑这类工具的发展,人类仿佛忽然间变成了智力方面的百万富翁,因此选择A. Computers have extended the power of our mind.(电脑拓展了人类的智力)。