原文:无论各企业完成该任务的情况是好是坏,它们所付出的努力都应得到政府的认可。译文:No matter the enterprises perform this task well or badly, their efforts deserve the government's recognition.
原文:无论各企业完成该任务的情况是好是坏,它们所付出的努力都应得到政府的认可。译文:No matter the enterprises perform this task well or badly, their efforts deserve the government's recognition.

【正确答案】:改译:No matter how well or badly the enterprises perform this task, their efforts deserve the government’s recognition./ However well or badly the enterprises perform this task, their efforts deserve the government’s recognition.
【题目解析】:翻译“无论怎么样”,我们用“no matter how+形容词或副词”的结构。其中no matter how可以替换为however